Politika i izbori

Rezultati izbora za predsjednika Republike Hrvatske 2020.

Author: Vibor Cipan Objavljeno: 5 siječnja, 2020., a u kategoriji Izbori i politika
  • U 2. krugu izbora za PRH pobijedio je Zoran Milanović s osvojenih 1,034,389 glasova (52.67%)
  • Dosadašnja predsjednica, K. Grabar Kitarović je osvojila 929,488 glasova (47.33%)
  • Izlaznost je bila 55%, a glasovalo se na 6,533 biračka mjesta u Domovini i iznozemstvu
Ured predsjednika/predsjednice Republike Hrvatske - Pantovčak Ured predsjednika/predsjednice Republike Hrvatske - Pantovčak

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Vibor Cipan

With over 15 years of professional work in technology, Vibor Cipan is a recognized leader in this field. His contributions at Microsoft, where he earned the prestigious MVP title, set the stage for his roles as CEO and Co-Founder of UX Passion, and later on, Point Jupiter, a data-informed agency. There, he led teams that shaped services for over 400 million users globally. His work spans UX design and software development, driving significant contributions in both fields.

Currently immersed in the generative AI sector, Cipan is taking part in projects revolutionizing software development and user engagement. His expertise extends into data viz, analytics and Open Source Intelligence (OSINT), where he actively develops proofs of concept and explores AI's role in shaping societal dynamics and national security.

An accomplished author and speaker, Vibor continues to share his insights at international venues, advocating for innovation and a richer understanding of technology's impact on society.

You can follow him on LinkedIn or Twitter/X as @viborc.

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